Privacy Policy
L&J Transportation Companies, Inc. is committed to protecting your privacy. L&J values the relationship we have with our customers. This Privacy Policy has been created to provide you with the capability to understand how we protect your information.
Information Covered by this Policy: Our policy applies to all information, personal and financial, about you that is obtained by L&J in connection with providing you any of our services. This policy will begin the moment we begin to collect information and last even after the relationship has ended.
How We Obtain Information: Your information is collected through a variety of methods. We may collect personal (and business) information about you from:
The information you submit to us through our web site, phone calls and mailings.
Anyone who you have authorized to provide information.
Other services, in connection with providing you a financial product or service.
The Security of Your Information: The information collected will be used solely for its intended use. Our partners and suppliers will receive only the information necessary for the intended use and are bound to uphold our Privacy Policy. Your personal information is also limited to those employees who need the information to provide you with the products and services. L&J is affiliated with North American Van Lines, Inc and CRST Inc. the parents of a much larger family and, therefore, your information may be shared with other companies in the North American and CRST family, in order to provide the best service possible. L&J will provide North American and CRST with the necessary information to complete your product and service requests.
Selling Your Information: L&J Transportation does not participate in the selling of your personal or business information to any outside party.

L&J Transportation - MOVERS OF CHOICE
At L&J Transportation, whether you're relocating in the same city or taking up residence overseas, we're the movers capable of handling all your moving needs. Our moving company offers a variety of moving services that can be customized based on your specific requirements and we will be here for you each step of the way.